‘Introduction to Holistic Management’  – (course given in March 2014)

Manejo-Holistico- con-Kirk-GadziaKirk Gadzia facilitates this course in the Introduction to Holistic Management, with theoretical sessions and practical exercises based on the planning of objectives to be obtained on an Agro-grazing farm a triple bottom line: social, ecological and economic gain, succeeding this way in a truly regenerative life.

This course covers:

  • Comprehension of ecosystem processes and their principle keys.
  • Analysis of the ecosystems that we are managing.
  • The importance and process of defining a holistic aim that includes economic, ecological and social objectives (that implicates a detailed grazing plan which enhances both your production and landscape goals)
  • How to make decisions that lead us to our holistic aims, improving group dynamics, communication and leadership.
  • The keys: a good livestock plan and a good financial plan.
  • The importance and the process of testing decisions made and recognizing deviations to correct them.
  • How different tools within our reach affect natural processes.

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